As I type this today my son is quietly watching ben 10 in his pjs albeit with a heavy head cold and my daughter is out playing in whats left of the snow. I am still in my pyjamas and all is right with the world for now. Today I got up and thought what have I to be thankful for this Christmas? You see there are so many more people out there worse off than us, they may be struggling financially or not have their health or worse still have a terminally ill child and be facing into a bleak Christmas and New Year. Even though it has been a tough year for us with two children diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum we have a lot to be thankful for, our children are healthy and happy and in a family that loves them for who they are and what they will become. We are by no means wealthy but are comfortable enough to give them a roof over their heads and food in their stomach and a safe loving warm environment.
It struck me that the thing I was most thankful for this year was my fb Autie friends, you see they have been my salvation at the times I needed support and help the most. I have laughed with them, cried with them and shared my inner most thoughts with them as they have done with me! I feel TRULY blessed to each and every one of them come into my life indirectly through my children. You see the diagnosis of my children have led me to this very special group with which I share the highs and lows of my life and they don't judge me as they walk in the same shoes as I do. To all of you I wish you all a very heartfelt happy Christmas and a Happy New Year and I hope next year will be better for all of us and no matter what I will be there for all of you just as you have been there for me. Much love to you all. xxx